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Raven's Gate - The power of five

The Power of Five, Ravens Gate is the first of five books in the series. Ravens Gate is about an orphan Boy Matthew Freeman who has powers to move objects. He saves his school from a mad woman with a shell truck, and his Quest is to find the other gate Keepers and save the world from the Old Ones evil gods and beasts so well described that they seem real. Their king chaos has been banished from our world by the gate keepers and is seeking revenge.werfwdThis book is thrilling and sucks you into a new world.
The Author Anthony Horowitz has written multiple books including forever and a day. He writes horror books as his name suggests and is my very favourite author of all the Authors I Know. I’d put this book in horror and adventure, my age recommendation is from young adults and above due to its themes and the way the author makes the book seem real.
I would not change anything in this book. I don’t have a favourite part nor a least this book is just perfect in my standard. I would rate this 10/10 it’s just so good.

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