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Then is a sad but yet heart-warming book about a 10yr old boy named Felix Salinger who is accompanied by a 7yr old girl named Zelda. WWII is at it’s worst when the Nazi’s invade Poland, trying to kill all Jews. Felix’s luck, he’s a Jew. Felix and Zelda are found by a farmer christened Genia. Genia agrees to give Felix and Zelda a roof to live under but the dangers are still extremely high. Will Felix and Zelda find safety?

This is a great book, which is written by Morris Gleisztman. It is the second book of the holocaust series, and I find it the best. I recommend this book to years 10+ as it is a sad book. You don’t have to read the first book first but it is recommended.

However, I would change the ending a bit as I think it’s too sad. I would rate this book 8/10 and place it in the tragedy and adventure ratings

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