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Killer Species - Menace from the Deep - Michael Spradlin

Menace from the deep by Michael Spradlin. The main Character in this book is Emmet a 12 year old boy who is moving for the fourth time in six years­ this time he is moving from the warm mountainous Montana to the Dark Swampy Alligator filled Everglades in Florida. He was travelling with his Dad whose work had caused all the moving because Emmet’s mum had died about a year and a half ago.

At their new house Emmet and his dad met up with Dr. Geaux the superintendent of the park Emmet’s dad works for. They also meet her son Calvin, a boy who has lived at the Everglades all his life he knows how to pilot a boat, and he knows the Everglades really well.

They discover a new hybrid species they later hear of a person calling himself Dr. Catalyst. He posts a video of these so called “Pterogators” hunting their prey and says they were created to kill the snakes that are not native and that the park would have to be closed for this to happen but Dr. Geux does not close the park. The Pterogators are similar to alligators but with webbed feet, eyes like birds of prey, wing flaps for gliding, long flexible necks and extremely sharp claws.

Emmet’s dad is captured and locked in a cage with two of these Pterogators swimming around him. Emmet and Calvin find him get past the Pterogators and save him but when they leave Dr. Catalyst is waiting for them. They trick one of the Pterogators to bite him and then escape. That is the end of Dr. Catalyst or is it?

I really liked this book it was action packed and kept me engaged at all times. I could not stop reading and was constantly waiting to find out what happens next. I also enjoyed the rest of the series and I recommend them for ages eight to 14. I rate this book 9/10.

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