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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - JK Rowling

This hard-to-put-down novel is the first of seven in the fantastic, jaw-dropping Harry Potter series. At the age of one Harry’s parents were killed by the evil wizard Voldemort. That night Harry was sent to his horrible aunt and uncle’s house to live with them.

Over the next ten years of Harry’s life, he is treated horribly as a slave. But, on Harry’s eleventh birthday a half giant called Hagrid comes to take Harry away to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

At school Harry and his friends end up getting caught looking after an illegal dragon, have a face-to-face encounter with a giant three headed dog, and come across the darkest wizard of all time. In this jaw-dropping novel, Harry is beginning to unravel the complicated events of his past, and figures out the darkest wizard of all time has risen once again, will he be able to defeat him?

This action packed fun filled novel is filled with mystery, and I would recommend it to people aged 9 – adult. If you liked this book, find out what happens next in Harry’s second chaotic year at Hogwarts!

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