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Divergent - Veronica Roth

Divergent is the first book in a trilogy. The protagonist is called Beatrice Prior and she a member of a faction. In the world there are five factions and Beatrice is a member of Abnegation. Each faction stands for a certain quality that the society feels is important. When you are sixteen you can make a choice to either stay in your faction or move to another faction. Beatrice chooses to move to Dauntless, the warriors and courageous faction. She begins her initation completely unware that all is not well between the factions.

Divergent is a really good book because it has lots of clever twists and the characters are very realistic. I like the idea of the Utopian society and how this is unattainable.The writing is very descriptive and I think very impressive for a first book. I really like Beatrice because she is a strong character who is not afraid to make mistakes. She is very brave and resilient and I think people can learn a lot about how to be calm in dangerous situations.

Don't be put off by the size of this book, it is very engaging and a great read! I would recommend this book for children older than ten years old.

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